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How we choose to relate to the stories of our lives define how we live our lives and consequently how we relate to ourselves, others and the universe.

- Felix Chancellor


The Story


As humans we are unable to directly relate to the stimulus and data that is entering through our various senses, rather we interpret these through our perception, which is based on our expectations that are comprised of a complex interplay of factors including (but in no way limited to) our histories, our genes, our hormonal and chemical balance at any given moment, our traumas, our achievements, our experience, our ignorance, our calling, our legacy, our culture and environment. Because we are human, we form a story around what we experience, this is how we relate our inner world with the outer world. The way in which we relate to ourselves, others and the universe in general is reflected in our stories. Everything about us tells a story: our bodies, our reactions, our beliefs, our loves, our hates, our history. Certain stories can become toxic as we identify too closely to them and form addictive patterns around these identifications: the victim, the martyr, the savior, to name a few. But stories can also help us to grow and heal as they help us to explore our depths, while also realizing that many of our challenges, pains and traumas are universal and need not be carried alone.


As we explore our own stories, we explore ourselves. As we explore more stories, we expand our spectrum of experience and therefore challenge our expectations to grow in their bandwidth, which in turn allows us to see ourselves, others and the universe more clearly and dynamically, leading to healthier relationships and a profound sense of interconnection and being.


Carlos Felix Chancellor


Felix observes and learns from human nature and soul. He facilitates courses, mostly on subjects related to transpersonal psychology, such as dreams and Mythology, that offer participants a deeper understanding of themselves and the ways they relate to the world in order to gain greater depth and sincerity in relationships (to oneself, others and one's environment) aimed towards an understanding of profound interconnectedness. 


Apart from his formal training in Jungian-Archetypal Psychology, Felix has incorporated into his psychotherapeutic practice methodologies from various other traditions that he has studied including Phenomenology, Shamanism, Herneticism, Active Imagination, Traditional Storytelling, Mythology, Mindfulness, Sacred Medicine Ceremonies and the Somatic Arts. Felix specialized in working with adolescents and themes around despair, as well as incorporating Mythology and stories into a practical methodology for his work. He is currently developing Imaginal Embodiment based techniques for dreamwork and has focused on working with dreams for many years. He is also currently focused on developing workshops, lectures and presentations on healing and nurturing the masculine and feminine energies that form our identities.


In addition, he is a somatic movement therapist and educator who uses deep listening skills and hands-on techniques to teach simple movement sequences to manage stress, relieve pain, breathe more freely, improve flexibility and coordination, and heal on emotional physical, and spiritual levels.


He uses guided discussion, storytelling, and play as methods to help participants discover options for healthy relationships.


Born in Mexico and raised in the United States and Canada, Felix is not only completely and fluently bilingual, but is also multi-cultural; affording him an intimate understanding of the specific needs, dynamics and subtleties of the Latin and Anglo cultures. He trained in Jungian-Archetypal Psychology at the Instituto de Psicología Profunda en México. He is also a Somatic Movement Therapist and Educator from the Center for BodyMindMovement. He holds a 3rd degree black belt in Aikido and is the chief instructor at Aikido San Miguel. He is a storyteller. He was an International Baccalaureate English Literature and Theory of Knowledge teacher for many years.  


Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Foundation México Centro


In a labor of paying forward to the community, and one which is very near and dear to his heart and soul, Felix is the active Vice President of the Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Foundation México Centro. Among his various duties, Felix helps to design the curriculum and content for the many courses and trainings provided by the foundation. He is also a doula, as well as providing guidance and counseling for the doulas that form part of the Foundation's care network. 


The Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Foundation México is a non-profit organization located in San Miguel de Allende that seeks to reimagine the cultural and personal understanding and relation with death and dying by offering pro-bono accompaniment services to the community for moments of grief, dying, transition or crisis. The foundation also offers many courses to the international community (both online and in-person), in English and Spanish, including a full certification as a Life, Death and Transition Doula. Furthermore, the foundation is a pioneer in green burial, being the first to offer this service in Mexico, along with a program that offers instruction and education for local communities so that they too can practice this option in their own communities, taking back their rights and rites regarding their burial practices. Finally, the foundation acts as an advocacy group for rights involving death and dying as well as for ushering in a new paradigm for understanding and relating to death. For more information, please click anywhere on this paragraph to visit the website. 

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