Mythology and the Soul
Mythology is not a lie, mythology is poetry, it is metaphorical. It has been well said that mythology is the penultimate truth--penultimate because the ultimate cannot be put into words. It is beyond words. Beyond images, beyond that bounding rim of the Buddhist Wheel of Becoming. Mythology pitches the mind beyond that rim, to what can be known but not told.
-Joseph Cambell
Classical Greek Mythology explored in-depth from the perspective of Jungian-Archetypal Psychology.

Why: Self-exploration and healing through understanding of one's personal myth and breaking the ego's identification with an outdated and potentially addictive story, as well as a deep understanding of Ancient Greek Mythology and its key figures.
When: Every Tuesday from 1 pm to 3 pm.
Where: Colonia Caracol. If interested, I will reply with the address. Carpooling is available from participants.
Duration: Ongoing
Registration: Click here to register.
Material: A notebook, writing material, curiosity. It is recommended to get a copy of Cassel's Dictionary of Classical Mythology edited by Jenny March.
Cost: $200 MXN per session
Who: Anybody may join. No previous knowlege of mythology necessary, but experts may find new perspectives. Limited to nine participants.
What: What: This course will look at Greek Mythology: Its tales, deities, heroes, and other personages, all of which will be explored and considered for their analogues and resonance with the stories of our souls (psychology / psyche logia / story of the soul) as 21st century occidentals; essentially answering the questions "What are the central myths of Ancient Greece and how are they relevant to me?" There will also be a guided reading of Joseph Campbell's The Hero with a Thousand Faces.
"Carlos is a born teacher and Myth is his Passion. No better way to truly understand the science of Mythology." -Azzah Manukova
"Wowee! This class is amazing." -Loy Geddes
"I have been in Carlos’ myth class for a few months now and my experience thus far keeps getting better with each class. The further we progress into both the stories themselves and the psychological underpinnings of their meanings and symbols the more I feel I have happened upon both an excellent academic course and depth-psychotherapy session combined. And, it’s an amazing deal to boot. I truly look forward to each week’s class where I can step away from the “mundane" world of work, chores and errands and into the numinous world of archetypes, the unconscious and the profound nature of story." -Christy Higgins
"I have had the extraordinary pleasure of being in Carlos Chancellor’s Myth class! He is quite an extraordinary person as he actually listens to us and he gives us insight that makes it more thought provoking! He allows us to explore and he gently brings us back to where we should be!"
-Robyn Johnson
"Myth Class with Carlos!
Fun, informative and intellectually stimulating. A great way to spend 90 minutes once a week.
Recommended for those who like to have an interesting conversation minus the glass of wine, cheese and crackers. Hmm… Wait a minute. Why not? That might be the only thing that the class lacks."
-Alan Garfinkle
"I highly recommend Carlos Chancellor’s Mythology course for your insight, knowledge, play, and personal exploration of ancient mythologies as they weave their tales from distant past into present transformative forms. Carlos is the storyteller and guide for your journey.
The Course is based on Joseph Campbell’s delightful book “The Hero With a Thousand Faces”. Carlos spices up the journey by adding Jungian archetypes to the deep mythology tapestry. Great way to spend an afternoon in rich dialogue and personal learning."
-Linda Raven